ENG 573/679: Writing for the Web


These online resources are available to view, download, or use for free. I will update this page throughout the semester.


During this class, we will communicate via Slack.

Plain-Text Editors

You are required to use a plain-text editor when creating webpages. If you have a Windows operating system, I highly recommend downloading Notepad++ (a free text editor). Other options for Mac include Zed and CotEditor. (Please note that I do not have a Mac and have not used these myself.) You are also welcome to use whatever text editor is already installed on your computer (like TextEdit for Mac or Notepad for Windows).

Adobe Dreamweaver is not a plain-text editor. Please do not use it for any of your work in this course.


The following five browsers are the most popular in the world. I like to have them all downloaded onto my computer to I can check to make sure my webpages are displaying correctly in all of them. Make sure you have at least three of these internet browsers on your computer:


You should upload all source code assignments (not including textbook exercises) to W3C's HTML and CSS validators before submiting. It will check your code and list any errors so you can fix them before submission.

Cloud-Based Backup Services

Always back up your files. Always.


This list of references may be helpful to you as you are building webpages.

Note: MDN is the best resource for your HTML and CSS needs. Do not use W3Schools. It is often one of the first results listed in a search engine, but it is not a good resource. Use MDN instead.

Web Design

Here's where you can get creative!